O Microsoft 365 Family está sendo ofertado por R$179,00, para uma assinatura de 15 meses, para 6 usuários. Em casa somos 4, então sai por R$3,00 / mês / usuário. Imperdível. Minha assinatura atual vence em 2026, aproveitando esta promoção estarei coberto até julho de 2027!

Foto com oferta de Microsoft 365 por R$179,00 na loja Kalunga.

Minha experiência com o MS Outlook and o MS To Do no Mac não durou mais que 15 minutos. Eles simplesmente não conversam entre si, não há qualquer integração. O Outlook abre o To Do na web e as tarefas do To Do não aparecem no calendário do Outlook. Já removi ambos para liberar espaço no SSD.

Where have I been / Por onde andei

Planos de Viagem / Travel Plans
✓ Por onde já andei:
🇦🇷 Argentina 🇧🇷 Brasil
🇲🇽 Mexico 🇵🇾 Paraguai
🇵🇪 Peru 🇺🇾 Uruguai
🇺🇲 USA
💭 Por onde ainda andarei:
🇪🇸 Espanha 🇮🇹 Itália
🇬🇷 Grécia 🇵🇹 Portugal

Tu é muito chato.

Tu é muito chato

Funicular. Santos SP Brasil.

Photo of funicular system. Santos SP Brasil.

Meninas foram para a Hamburgada do Bem. Aproveitamos para ir à praia. Santos - SP - Brasil

Praia de Santos - SP - Brasil

Fim de semana em Santos, para acompanhar a Ana Clara e a Laura que vão participar da Hamburgada do Bem dia 27/05.

Fotografia da praia de Santos, SP.

Vida de microempreendedor não é fácil. Em um mês, trabalha pra caramba e acha que o ano será ótimo; no mês seguinte, nada.

Twitter, Meta, Google, TikTok, todos ganhando muuuito dinheiro com o discurso de ódio, mentiras, racismo e preconceito. É triste, mas a humanidade está muito pior e o futuro é sombrio.

Da venda à entrega de um receituário médico são envolvidos mais de 10 fornecedores: marketplace, softwares de criação e gerenciamento, papeis, consumíveis, embalagens, transporte, sem contar os utilities (energia elétrica, água, luz) nem a infraestrutura que requer manutenção (imóvel, móveis).

These are (some) of the instruments we have at home: 2 x Ukuleles , 1 x Ukebass, 2 x guitars, 2 x electric guitars, 1 x cavaquinho. Out of the photo: Roland drums, cajon and bongo. I play the Ukes and the cavaquinho. My daughter is the percussionist and my wife is the singer.

First lesson from cavaquinho class: not all picks are suitable for this instrument; I never used picks before so I did not know they come in different materials and sizes and flexibility. So I ordered some sized 0.67mm, flexible, after seeking for recommendation on YouTube.

Sometimes your business depends on small details. This is a masking (washi) tape with Toy Story characters that I use to stick paper to the Silhouette Cameo cutting mat. Only these works for me, with the perfect amount of adhesive. Hard to find, only sold by Daiso.

Reading it again, now in Brazilian Portuguese.

Currently reading: Checklist by Atul Gawande 📚

Talking about subscriptions, I have defined a “Rule of 5” when evaluating a new app: if it costs more than USD5/month or takes me more than 5 minutes to understand how it works, it’s out. Exceptions may apply.

I had tested Ferdi/Ferdium in the past but never found a practical use for it. Now I see that it seems to be perfect as a control panel for omg.lol. Let’s see how it performs in daily use.

The Halist Browser AI (https://halist.ai/) is a project from Amir Salihefendic, Todoist founder and CEO, that adds interesting AI tools to Chrome, like answering emails, correcting spelling and grammar, and writing content. It is built with OpenAI GPT-3 and is worth a try.

Todoist does not yet offer the option to change icon color on desktop to match theme color. This (2y old) reddit post comes to the rescue: https://www.reddit.com/r/todoist/comments/gpqejt/contribution_you_can_change_the_icon_of_todoist/

My daughter´s Samsung smarphone is dying and she asked me for an iPhone. Interesting because she has never considered switching to iPhones before. I believe it´s because almost all of her friends at university own iPhones… What´s next? A MacBook?

A bit of nostalgy today. Things I miss:

  • Sliding rule;
  • Texas Instruments calculators (early 1980s)
  • Sinclair computers, from ZX80 to ZX Spectrum;
  • Apple IIc;
  • Casio BOSS PDAs;
  • Palm Pilot;
  • MSX computer;
  • Multimedia Kits;
  • BBS;
  • Basic, Pascal, Forth;
  • Geocities.

My daughter just arrived home with 2 more tattoos. It’s her body, she follows her mind but, for me, the other two she already had were enough.

RPN always! No standard calculators here and I’m extremely jealous of my HP calculators (11C and 12C).

Santo André, SP, Brasil

Soundtrack for a sunny Saturday morning at the pool. 🎵

In January, 2022, I put my online store on vacation mode and it was a disaster, no customers orders for many weeks after. This year I took my laptop to the beach with me not to miss any opportunities - much better!