Category: Tecnologia
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Proton CEO supporting Trump´s administration is fake news. But it makes me feel bad. My letter to Proton support team.
Excuse me for taking your time and revisiting this point, but I need to vent.
I am a paying Proton Unlimited user; it is not yet in full production, meaning I have not yet migrated my legacy email accounts. I have paid for a full year and have already budgeted for renewal at the end of the year in case I decide to continue with it. I also have a paid Fastmail account and a Tuta account, which I recently downgraded to the free tier.
What is bothering me is the case involving Andy Yen and his comment about a nomination made by Donald Trump. I do not know Andy nor the person he praised, but I understand it was a personal opinion and that he was referring to a specific individual, not endorsing the current US administration.
However, the way the (fake) crisis was handled by Proton and Andy seemed very amateurish, in my opinion.
I frequently search for information about Proton, Fastmail, and Tuta on Mastodon, Bluesky, and their subreddits, looking for tips and use cases. When people looking to leave Google ask for recommendations, the answers almost always mention Proton, Fastmail, Tuta, and a few others. BUT—and this is a big BUT—the negative mentions of Proton are too frequent, far more than the positive ones, in my view; this email to you was triggered by a thread on Bluesky: someone asked for recommendations, another suggested Proton, and a third person replied that they would not recommend Proton because the CEO allegedly supports the current US administration.
To commit to a long-term service, I need to feel comfortable with it in terms of technical aspects (1) (whether it meets my needs), financial aspects (2) (whether I can afford it), and moral aspects.
Reading, across all channels, about the CEO’s alleged support for an administration that seems destined to harm humanity makes me feel uneasy, even though I know the claim is false; it is so strong and uncontrollable that I question myself whether it is OK to continue with Proton or leave it immediately. It is the power of fake news.
I am not in a hurry to migrate my email and calendar accounts, and I still have 10 months of Proton Unlimited left — plenty of time to decide what to do.
I do not have any specific suggestions or recommendations for you. Your PR team may already be aware of the impact on Proton’s image and hopefully knows what to do. But whatever action is taken, it must be done quickly.
(1) Proton Unlimited is quite expensive for me, even when paying in my local currency—much more expensive than Fastmail and Tuta.
(2) It does not yet meet my needs; missing features on Calendar push me to another service.
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Planejando a migração da minha conta para Só “marcos” é legal, mas não consegui um nome de domínio marcos.* a um valor razoável para associar a esta conta, e me incomoda associar a (coisa de TOC mesmo), prefiro mdalves com mdalves.
Primeiro vou reativar a conta, vou apagar todos os posts que lá estão, depois vou exportar todos os posts de, importar em e confirmar que tudo está OK. Vou precisar também revisar o tema, os plug-ins instalados e todas as configurações.
Problema de bateria no Kindle 10a Geração
A duração da bateria do meu Kindle de 10a geração nunca foi tão boa quanto ao Paperwhite 7a geração, mas era plenamente aceitável. De alguns dias para cá, no entanto, a bateria está assustadoramente ruim, ela vai baixando muito rápido; mesmo sem uso, enquanto o Paperwhite cai 1% ou 2%, o Kindle 10 cai mais de 5%; com a tela ligada, então, a duração é mínima. Estou associando isto ao upgrade recente de firmware (, mas não tenho certeza que este é a causa. Agora, estou aguardando a bateria zerar para fazer 1 ou 2 ciclos completos de carga e descarga, para verificar se é apenas um problema de calibragem; se não resolver, ou fazer um factory reset.
Update: carreguei até 100%, coloquei em modo Avião e deixei sem a capa magnética; parece que agora está com um consumo normal; comprei outra capa que chegou hoje (11/10/23) e vou acompanhar o desempenho com ela; se for bom, então vou ligar o wifi para ver se ele é o culpado do alto consumo. Se nada resolver, vou partir para o factory reset.
Meu blog está quebrado 😑 devido a conflitos de DNS com o
Atualizei o DNS no mas agora tem que aguardar que se propague por toda a internet⏳.
Update: já está tudo OK.